Online Debate organised by The Debating Society - April,2020

The Debating Society of Loreto College organised an Online Debate on the Zoom app on 01st April, 2020. The motion of the debate was “This House believes - Religion is the enemy of Gender Equality.” The debate which was open to students of all years, saw an enthusiastic participation from many students. Debate and discussions were done both for and against the motion.

Some believed that religion propagated gender inequality because of the undue importance given to men and the ancient scriptures which portrayed men to be the saviours and superior to women. Others were of the view that religion as an institution has developed over the ages and how powerful Goddesses are the ones who have been worshipped for years. Examples of Durga, Kali, Draupadi were brought forward to explain the belief of those against the motion.

The debate was for a period of one hour and concluded with the students wanting a repeat of the same in the following weeks, as a productive way of spending this quarantine time safely, with some stimulating thoughts to take away.

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